Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 9 Finally a free day

Playing with Daddy
It was nice waking up today.  No clock to set or no need to rush out the door for anything.  After a relaxed morning in the hotel, we made it down to the cafe for breakfast just in time.  She was wired this morning.  It is amazing how each day cracks a little more of the shell.  I think today it all came off.  We had breakfast and then played in the room for a while.  Was able to face time with mommy this morning as usual, but she was very energetic today on the phone.  I think she really likes some routine and schedule.  She was so great today.  A playful day and lots of kisses and hugs.  She also likes the time we spend in the hall playing with the other families.  She is the most nosey little girl.  I seem to think she is somewhat like her aunts.  Needs to be in everybody’s business and see what is going on!!!!  I’m not sure if it is me or what, but she gets more beautiful everyday.  It also seems that her hair is growing so fast.  The feeling of watching this before your eyes and seeing how this little girl can be taken from everything she has ever known, but still manage to feel so quickly the love that she is getting.  I can leave her behind when we go eat to go to the bar for food and she will follow me around making sure she keeps her eyes on me.  I wish mommy was here.  I know she will get the same when we get home.  Somehow there is this feeling that she has been with me forever now.  I have found myself doing the unimaginable.  Changing dirty diapers.  I thought I would never, but I made it thru.  I just keep telling myself she is worth every bit of it.  After lots of wipes and a towel, we got thru and she was as good as new again.

I want his cars.  He later let me know they were not mine!  :(

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