Today following the registration office and the notary office, we went back to the hotel for a free afternoon. We made an attempt at a nap which didn’t work out too well. That being said, bed time will be good. She started to come out of that shell a little more today. She suddenly found her little game of putting stuff under daddy’s chin and then pulling it back out. For some reason that gave her the giggles. She played at the hotel for a while in the room and then we made a venture out to the hall area. Several of the traveling families met and we let the kids play for a while. This is the first time I saw her crawl. She enjoyed this time of mostly watching some of the other kids run around. She eventually decided to crawl a little. We then went back to the room for her favorite time of the day next to eating (BATH TIME!!!!) She played and played in the bath and then it was time to go to sleep. After a long day and a very brief nap, she went out as quick as I could give her a bottle. Another day down and a day closer to coming home to see Mommy!
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