Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 14 Another Free Day

Eating outside at the park
Today was mostly a free day.  Sarah Grace loves these kind of days.  She enjoys small settings with a few people.  We were able to sleep in and then we ventured down for a nice breakfast.  After breakfast, I ventured down to the pearl market for a short time and then back to the hotel.  After her nap, went outside in the play area and stayed for at least 2 hours.  She really enjoys it out there.  We played and ate and even got on the slide.  She absolutely loved the slide.  As you can see from the picture, she grins from ear to ear.  Tonight was a group dinner at a chinese restaurant.  We walked there as a group and sat together having a family style serving of different dishes.  They were pretty good.  Sarah Grace loves her rice and noodles.  I finally ate some green beans and they were amazing.  I have missed vegetables.  We cam back to the hotel and she then was ready to play for a little while.  She is funny.  I went in the bathroom to start running her bath water in the tub and when she hears the water start, she moves as fast as she can to the bathroom.  She loves her bath time.  Not so much the washing time, but the play in the bath she loves.  Trying to get her to stand up so you can wash her legs is a task.  You have to prepare to be soaking wet when you get done.  I see her most favorite time and her worst time all in one setting.  Getting in the bath is the best time, but taking her out is another story.  She gets mad when it is time to get out.  Doesn't matter how long you leave her in there.  I let her play for a while tonight and even ran more water so she could warm up.  Again, another day closer to coming home.
hanging out with daddy
 We have 1 more night in this hotel and then we leave for Hong Kong.  We spend our last night in Hong Kong before departing for North Carolina to see mommy!!!  Can't wait.

Who would have thought?
I know how to use chop sticks
Playing peek-a-boo with daddy

1 comment:

  1. OH my God...so heartwarming. Awesome story and such a great thing you all have done. She seems to be loving every minute with you. Lol!
