Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas with our little girl

Christmas this was was a bit different around our house.  For 14 years, we have woken up with just the 2 of us here for Christmas morning.  This year we had the joy of waking up with our little girl with us.  I was excited about getting to get things ready for her and have Santa the next morning.
The only issue with that was, she decided she wanted to stay awake all night too.  It was a rough night of sleep for her, but she finally
went out.  She had such a hard time sleeping with the arm braces on.  We woke her up around 7:15 to get her fed and then downstairs we came.  I was sitting in the room with the tree and toys and Amy brought her around the corner.  She put her on the floor and it took her a second to notice the first toy sitting there.  She then took off down the hall with a huge grin on her face.  A moment we had been waiting for.  I can't say she really knew what was going on and what Christmas was, but she was excited about her new toys.  She played with each little toy all morning.  She got a kitchen set to play with and she wouldn't stop playing with it and still hasn't.  She also got a little tin tea set and she and Amy will sit in the floor and pour tea and pretend.  She loves it.  As I sat and watched her, I couldn't help but think about what last year was like for her and about all the other little children around the world who long to have a family to be with for Christmas.  They may not know what that means or looks like, but I do and it is a hard thought to process just knowing there are so many out there.  We went to church Christmas morning for communion and to celebrate what Christmas is all about.  As we were standing there, those thoughts continued in my head.  I am so thankful that we have her now and there is one less that is longing that forever home.  She spent the rest of the day playing with her toys and then we had Christmas with Amy's parents and family.  She would at times seem just as content playing with pieces of wrapping paper as she would playing with a new toy.  I am not sure if it didn't overwhelm her just a little.  This was an awesome day and one we will cherish forever.

Now I sit back and
think about next
year.  We will not only have her but will have a 10 month old little boy crawling around and getting into everything as well.  I can't wait.

 I just hope she isn't getting mad at him for getting all in her stuff.  I told Amy that I could see some aggravated fights already with that kitchen set between the 2 of them.

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